When you make the decision to have dental implants done, you make a choice to regain the confidence that comes with having a great smile. However, after completion of the dental implant surgery, you will experience some bruising inside your mouth and potentially around your cheeks and jaw line. Since nobody wants to go out in public looking like they just went three rounds with Mike Tyson, it is prudent you know how to minimise the effect this bruising will have on your life. Remember the two Ms to keep bruising at bay.
Managing the bruising is the only way to reduce any impact. Bruising is caused by blood vessels breaking in the soft tissue of your face. This does not mean that your dentist was overly rough during the insertion of the implants. Each person's blood vessels can tolerate a set amount of trauma before they burst, and that sensitivity line varies between people.
A cold compress helps to manage the bruising once you get home from the dentist's office. Grab a bag of peas from the freezer and wrap them in a tea towel. By placing fabric between the peas and your skin, you reduce the chance of your skin tissue being damaged by frostbite. Hold the bag against your bruised skin for 15 minutes. Then, put the peas back into the freezer and reuse the cold compress again in an hour. A cold compress against the bruise constricts the blood vessels and reduces both inflammation and further bleeding. The faster this is brought back under control, the quicker the bruise disappears.
Moderate your behaviour for at least 48 hours after the surgery to give your face a chance to heal. For example, give yourself plenty of time to simply rest and put your feet up. Exercising or strenuous activity causes the heart to move blood around your body faster. Since you want to give the blood vessels in your face a chance to heal and stop bleeding, resting keeps your heart rate at a steady, unexcited pace.
While you are resting, keep your head elevated, so the blood doesn't get the chance to pool within your cheeks. By raising the head, any new blood drains away back into circulation with the rest of your blood flow.
Your dentist will give you further after-care instructions following your dental implant surgery. Follow their advice as closely as possible, and contact them immediately if you have concerns that your bruising is not reducing the way you expect.