Why Should You Drink Water Instead of Coffee After Waking Up?

It isn't exactly hard to understand why many people across the country cannot imagine getting out of bed each morning without having a cup of coffee to greet them; after all, that kick of caffeine comes exactly when you're trying to wake yourself up.

That said, drinking coffee first thing in the morning is something that you should avoid, instead drinking down a nice glass of water with your breakfast.

Feeding your mouth's bacteria

There's always bacteria in your mouth, but it tends to thrive when you're asleep. Bacteria biofilms mature in your mouth as you slumber; when you wake up, they are ready to be fed by the sugars in your food and drink. When bacteria consumes those sugars, it produces the acids that eat into your tooth enamel. Coffee causes that bacteria to create even more acids, resulting in an increased risk of enamel erosion and tooth decay. This is an even more serious issue if, like many other coffee-drinkers – you tend to add cream or sugar to your morning cup of joe.

Staining is more likely

You probably already know that coffee stains your teeth, but there are ways to work around this, and one of the best things to do is resist the urge to drink it right after you get out of bed each morning. The increased presence of bacterial acids in your mouth when you wake up affects the mouth's overall pH balance, creating an acidic environment that makes tooth enamel softer and more vulnerable to staining.

Saliva production is reduced

You know how your mouth often feels oddly dry after drinking coffee? That's because coffee tends to dry out the mouth. This problem is compounded by the fact that the very caffeine that makes people love their morning coffee will also decrease saliva production once it enters your bloodstream; one study reported that "caffeine modestly but significantly reduced salivation" in their tested participants. The problem here is that a healthy flow of saliva is incredibly important in the morning. Salivary production is reduced at night, so you need plenty produced in the morning to wash away dead skill cells and neutralize the acids and bacteria that have developed.

Water promotes strong oral health

Where coffee is a problem, water is a solution. Drinking water in the morning will increase your mouth's production of saliva, help wash away bacteria, and maintain a healthy PH balance. Giving up coffee, even for the good of your teeth, is probably something you're not willing to do, but you can at least stop drinking it as soon as you leave your bed.

About Me

How to Improve Your Dental Health Today

My name is Tod and I love teeth. I am not a dentist but ever since I was a boy, I have been fascinated by what is in my mouth. I remember when I was little, I would spend hours looking into the mirror, trying to see what my teeth looked like. When I was 7-years old, I went to a dental summer camp and learnt even more about how bacteria and acids can cause teeth to decay. In my teens, I was fitted with braces and I learnt lots of cool stuff about brace care. Now, I am grown up, but I still have my childhood passion for dentistry and I look forward to every checkup.



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