Dental Conditions That Can Be Treated Using Invisalign Braces

When some people think of orthodontic treatment, they assume that it is purely cosmetic, with the sole function of making your teeth appear straighter than they were. In reality, although orthodontic procedures do function to straighten your teeth and correct misalignment, the treatment inadvertently gives you better oral health. In recent years, more and more people have gravitated toward the use of Invisalign when they needed orthodontic care, as this form of treatment is both painless as well as discreet. If you are experiencing trouble with your teeth, the following are some of the dental conditions that can be treated using Invisalign braces.

Tooth crowding

Overcrowded teeth are usually considered more of a cosmetic problem than an actual health concern, but in reality, having overcrowded teeth can adversely affect your overall health. It should be noted that overcrowded teeth will develop if you have insufficient space on your jaw to accommodate all your teeth. Thus, it is usually considered a genetic problem. If the overcrowded teeth are not remedied, you stand the chance of developing cracked teeth. These cracks come about due to friction between the teeth, putting you at risk of bacterial infections. Overcrowded teeth can also cause increased plaque buildup, which could lead to periodontitis.


Having an overbite means that your upper teeth are protruding above your lower teeth. This condition is also known as having an overjet and is usually hereditary. However, some individuals may develop an overbite if they have poor oral hygiene that would eventually lead to the poor development of the bone structure supporting their teeth. Having an overbite does not merely change the appearance of your mouth. If this condition is not addressed, you could develop gum irritation that could progress to gum disease. In addition to this, individuals with overbites tend to have accelerated wear on their lower teeth due to the upper teeth rubbing against them.


The opposite of an overbite, this dental condition is characterised by the lower teeth protruding past the patient's upper teeth. An underbite typically develops due to the upper jaw being underdeveloped, making the lower jaw look larger than it is. Some individuals may also develop an underbite if they have multiple teeth missing from their upper jaw. Just as with an overbite, some health concerns can develop due to this condition. The most common problem associated with an underbite is diminished functionality of the patient's incisors. You may also start to experience chronic jaw pain if you do not have the underbite treated in time.

About Me

How to Improve Your Dental Health Today

My name is Tod and I love teeth. I am not a dentist but ever since I was a boy, I have been fascinated by what is in my mouth. I remember when I was little, I would spend hours looking into the mirror, trying to see what my teeth looked like. When I was 7-years old, I went to a dental summer camp and learnt even more about how bacteria and acids can cause teeth to decay. In my teens, I was fitted with braces and I learnt lots of cool stuff about brace care. Now, I am grown up, but I still have my childhood passion for dentistry and I look forward to every checkup.



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